A Comprehensive Guide to A Level Qualifications

Sixth forms and colleges offer their students a wide variety of A Level courses. These are level 3 courses that they will be able to go on to study following the completion of their GCSEs and use to get to university. If your child is in the process of applying, they will need to think about their options carefully. To help you assist them in this next big move, we have teamed up with a sixth form college that provides college scholarships in London to create this comprehensive guide.

What Are A Levels?
A levels, as touched on above, are level 3 qualifications that children can study at sixth form or college. They are the gateway between GCSE and university so there will be a lot of content for your child to cover. Some even go so far as to say that they are harder than a degree when it comes to the content that they will be expected to remember over the course of the two years.

How Are They Assessed?

Unlike BTECs, A levels are predominantly exam based and these usually take place at the end of the academic year (around May and June).

How Much Revision Is Required?

As there’s far more content to cover than at GCSE, there’s more to revise too. Your child will need to do background reading on top of this to further their understanding. It is advised that they spend an hour doing this for every hour that they are taught in class. 

How Can I Support My Child with Their A Levels?

The bulk of it is down to them but there are things that you can do to help. For example, you can help your child to create a study schedule. A must when they have potentially 16 hours of independent study to do a week on top of their homework.

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