Studying for competitive exams can be tough if you are studying by yourself. Even students who join coaching classes face obstacles along the way while studying for such competitive exams. The reasons being – no consistency in studying, not clearing doubts immediately, unorganized notes, and no schedule. Sure many other factors count in, but these are the main factors responsible for students lagging behind. The vast syllabus of exams like JEE and NEET requires consistent efforts for two years. Everyone talks about consistency but What does it really mean? When it comes to studying, consistency is being updated with the ongoing studies and regularly revising the old topics. Revisiting chapters from time to time will help you retain the material better. You must do this for every subject. If you are good at one subject but have difficulties in another, try to spend more time studying on the difficult one. Try to go beyond the homework given to you. You can use a homework app to help you in case you are stuck on any question. It also helps you save a lot of time, thus sparring a lot more for other studies.
Taking notes is an important habit that will not only help you today but also in the future. But how exactly should you take notes? It’s simple! There is no one correct way of taking notes, you can go for any method that suits you. The main objective of notes is to help you keep all the important points in one place where you can find them easily. Many students write down topics in their own sentences with real-life examples. This helps them understand better. Another method is to draw information trees. You will be surprised to find out that this method will let you recap a whole chapter at a glance. Keeping a separate section for formulas of every chapter can save you a lot of time. No need to search through hundreds of pages from the HC Verma books just for a thermodynamic equation. Remember to add examples in your notes to understand the application of the topic as well.
When it comes to chemistry, you will come across many laws as well as exceptions. Note down these exceptions and the reason they are one. This will help you navigate through the seas of this subject much better. Structures inorganic chemistry may seem challenging at first but a little practice and you’ll begin to understand them. Many students stick to periodic tables, math formulae from Igor Irodov, important points, and many such things on their walls. This is an effective way of learning. You can spice up your studying with fact cards, quizzes, and even online educational games. Books are not the only place to gain knowledge from. Branch out and take help from digital mediums as well to study. Some online tools can even help you take notes efficiently as well as keep them organized.
Happy studying!